Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thoughts from a friend

I'm so excited! I recently got the Jimmy Needham CD for Christmas, & it's so rich. About 10 out of 12 of his songs have 2 scripture references apiece that they are based upon, which is quite a feat unless you are truly being led by the Holy Spirit. He is definitely a strong voice for the Lord, & has an amazing testimony as well. So here is a word from my friend Jimmy Needham, whom I hope to meet someday. He has so much God-given wisdom- please read with an open heart... ~Lysandra Elena

Tips on Sharing the Gospel with Your Friends

Friday, Dec 5th, 2008

I recently did an interview where the following question about evangelism was asked. I felt compelled to share this with you guys as it might encourage and challenge some of you.

Question: Do you have any advice for someone trying to reach their friends for Christ?

Jimmy: Pray that they're hearts would be softened. The reality is "the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." (2 Corinthians 4:4). Here is the truth, unless God grants them repentance, they will never escape the snare of the devil (2 Timothy 2:25-26). So, beg God to do a work on their heart. Also, pray that he would create an opportunity for you to share the gospel with them, and that he would give you courage to speak when the time comes. Remember, you can't save your friends. Only God can (John 6:44). So, don't feel like you've failed if they don't immediately humble their hearts after you talk to them. God is pleased with your obedience, not how many converts you have. I was the first to be saved in my family, and I prayed for their souls fervently night after night. Slowly but surely, starting with my brother, then my mom and now my dad, my family is being won into the Kingdom. I believe it wouldn't have happened without prayer.

A couple of other thoughts: Please make sure you're preaching the right gospel. The information you share with them is like a key. If you give them the wrong key, it will never open the door of eternal life. My car keys, no matter how hard I try, will never open the door to my house. Search the Scriptures to make sure your gospel is Jesus' gospel. Here's some good places to start looking: Ephesians 2:1-10, Titus 2:11-14, 3:3-7, Acts 17:22-31. The book of Romans is a tremendously in depth gospel presentation, particularly chapters 1-5. Also, if you would like a good extra-biblical resource, John MacArthur gives a great articulation of the gospel on his website Just click on "the gospel" tab on the home page. A careful search of the Scriptures concerning what the gospel is will not only benefit your evangelism, but it should also birth in you a deeper appreciation for your own salvation.

Lastly, be careful how you live. Make sure your life backs up your speech. I've had so many opportunities to share the gospel with a person simply because they've been impacted by the way I live my life. Likewise, my message has been hindered when I have acted out in my flesh. Whether you believe it or not, your lost friends are watching you. You are a model of Jesus to them. Make sure the picture they are getting is accurate (1 Peter 2:12).

The good news that there is now forgiveness of sins by the blood of Christ is the sweetest news in the universe. I hope you would find much delight in it, and in turn find much delight in distributing that hope to a lost and dying world.



Saturday, January 3, 2009

My heart.

It's been heavily on my heart these past few months, but it seems to be getting more urgent as this new year begins. I've grown up in the church, yet been in many different environments. I believe it has been God's will for this, so that I am able to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and many different walks of life.

This truly breaks my heart. I have seen that many (not all, but many) people in the church have failed to accept those who come in from the outside. They get so comfortable in their own circle of friends, they think it's not their calling to reach out to touch a life. God has shown me so clearly that this is a major area in which Christians have failed: Acceptance & having unconditional love for others. I, too, have been guilty of this. Yet God is continually changing my heart- by bringing me to the realization that it's not by my own righteousness that I have seen this failure- it is God's grace to pluck me out and set me apart, so I can fight something that (I believe) God Himself hates.

Legalism is the culprit-- it's all too easy to judge others, as we can easily see their flaws. However, when it comes time to be held accountable, we are unwilling to examine our own hearts and see our own weaknesses. We are so quick to constantly point out the shortcomings of others, whether it be in our thoughts or through our words (gossip & slander). Brothers & Sisters- this should not be so. Why is it that those in the body of Christ would be less willing to accept people & love them than those who do not even know God? Why do those who are hurting and in pain have to go out to party to find the love & acceptance that God wants to give them?

Recently, God clearly illustrated this point to me about judging others- it can become almost subconscious, but sometimes we can catch ourselves doing it. I was at a concert (kind of an outreach), volunteering. We were talking with a lovely gal from a mission organization, and there was a guy that worked with her sitting at the booth. Because he didn't talk at first-he was on his lap top I think, I wrote it off as unfriendliness & aloofness. Yet, when she introduced him to us, he was really kind & outgoing. His love & passion for the Lord was clearly visible when he spoke. In that moment, God said to me "See Lysandra, you jumped to that conclusion before you had even talked to him...How often do you do that?" I was convicted, to say the least. I hadn't taken into mind the possibility that he might have simply been concentrating on a task he needed to get accomplish right then.

God used this whole situation to illustrate to me just how many times I do this- judge others. Wherever we go, a lot of times we will write people off- put them in a box- stick a label on their forehead; "prep", "jock", "emo kid." And the thing is, even if that is their area of interest, shouldn't we be willing to reach out to them and show them God's love where they're at? Why do we let our differences determine our actions/attitudes towards others?

After that concert, I think it was the next day even, I read in the New Testament about not judging people by their appearances- some were treating those who were well dressed with respect, and giving the poor man a lowly seat in the assembly of their Church. That still happens today, maybe not the exact same scenario, but it's the heart of the matter that we must examine. What a head smack God gave me- at the time it really stung (figuratively lol), but now I can see legalism & judging people clearly- it's basically a special discernment now.

If this is something the Lord has put on your heart-either by reading this or He has been speaking it to you, please pray. Know that the greatest way we can change the spiritual climate is by getting on our knees. Even when we don't know how to pray, the Holy Spirit will speak to us specifically how to pray. God Bless you as we go into the year 2009.