Saturday, June 20, 2009

Battling anxiety.

It's so easy to live in fear. To see how things might go wrong, and constantly be worried that life might work out that way. It is so much harder to constantly trust in God that He will sustain you, and work out the circumstances according to His good and perfect will. But that is the way of life that brings so much peace- it's also what we are commanded to do in His Word.

God has been showing me just how much I have been held back by fear. Fear of the future, of the unknown, others' opinions, failure, unworthiness. So many times, we are held back because we are not obeying God. God has promised us full and ABUNDANT life. Will He not supply every need, according to His riches and glory? Why do we worry if it is firstly disobedience to God, and secondly not accomplishing anything, & thirdly, maybe even a habit that is detrimental to our health?

I think it's a form of grasping at control. We feel life is so transient, that we try and reach out to something we can hold onto. If we worry about our circumstances, somehow we think we can change the outcome. But in the end, it's still the same. God is still God, and He always knew the end from the beginning. He knows what will come to pass at the end from before the event ever starts- kind of mind-boggling!! So worry doesn't change the outcome; instead it tears down our faith. It makes us come into the mindset that our problems are bigger than God's power. Yeah right, like anything could be bigger or more powerful than the God of the universe.

While this is something that I'm still learning about (and will constantly fight to trust God with), I believe that we have weapons against anxiety.

We can tell God about the circumstances, how they seem impossible, and set our will that we will not hold onto them, but instead give them to Him. Praying the scriptures over these issues can help as well. Praying the Psalms is wonderful! Most of all, just coming before our Father with faith like a child, realizing that He wants to give good gifts to His children. He loves us, and has good plans for us in the future. If we trust in Him, He will sustain us with His mighty right hand.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So, tonight was a two hour episode of So You Think You Can Dance?
So much talent, so amazing. Yet I am awed that these people work so hard, they expend so much energy on this getting into this show, only to be told they aren't good enough. Talk about broken dreams. And I am just amazed at the sheer talent and determination of each dancer. I think of how many hours of practice they have spent, to attain the level of training and expertise in dance. Then I think of how much more powerful it could be if they knew the Lord, if they had a passion for Him, to use their amazing abilities to glorify Him.

It's the never ending question, it seems, for Christian artists- excellence or a heart of worship?

It's a tough one, that's for sure. I would say without hesitation, firstly a heart of worship. But at the same time, I want the talent. I want for us to stand out, to be just as excellent or even more so than the world, that they would see the contrast between what their art is without God, and what ours is with Him.

I wonder, how will we reach that point?

There is a movement- God is doing mighty things all over the world. First, he transported some precious family friends of ours to Hong Kong, and they are making an impact for Him there in the dance world. The Capps family have headed Glory Dance Ministries for several years now, a modern dance based ministry that is on the cutting edge. They have a heart of worship at the core of the ministry, yet at the same time the strongly believe in the excellence aspect as well. Check them out at

Also, my teachers at my dance school, Alpha and Omega dance Academy. They have a heart to worship the Lord, and also have strong technique.

Sometimes it's hard to keep trusting that we will see an impact in this area, but I know that God is moving. He is doing something great in the arts and I know that He will use this in a mighty way to reach many people and draw them unto Himself.

This is also the point at which I become torn- I love dance so much, I just love love love praising the Lord with my whole heart when I dance. What joy in the fullness of knowing Him!! Does this mean that I pursue dance as a career? Will it only be a recreation/weekend ministry, while my job is in another area altogether? I have agonized over this. I have changed my mind so many times. I just need to trust, and forget about the worry over having enough. If it's His will, He will provide. Oh Lord, open my heart to the plans that YOU have for me.

~Lysandra Elena