Wow! It's been over a month since I've written.
Basically, winter break flew by, since I worked probably half of it, and had the other half off (time off work only seems to go by more quickly to me!).
The semester has begun, but the first week I had two days of classes cancelled due to the snow! It was a bit crazy, but now I finally feel that I am getting into the rhythm of things. Except for church. Church wise, I feel a bit unsettled. The church I have been attending is amazing, but I don't feel like it's the right fit for me. I really need to get plugged in where I can be mentored by some older women and have bible studies with my girl friends, but there hasn't been much of an opportunity for that so far. So Kate and I have been visiting some churches, and she also started a bible study on Sunday nights - it's really exciting! It's by Beth Moore, and it's called Believing God. It's about learning to trust in God's promises - that He is in fact who He says He is, and can be more real in our lives if we trust Him completely.
I am also super excited that I am taking a dance class this semester! Thank God I got into it just in time, and I feel that it will be great as a creative outlet and stress reliever, but also for achieving a greater level of physical fitness. That was one of my resolutions for this new year - to do more things that I enjoy and love, more often! (which I think is always a good plan! :)