Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Time of Restoration

This is a season of restoration in your life.
Of the visions and dreams that I have given to you.
It is a time for you to remember the words I have spoken,
for my word does not come back void.

The world tries to beat you down and tell you that you are not enough.
You are not pretty enough, talented enough, outspoken enough, skinny enough,
smart enough.

But I tell you this: You are enough.
My word does not come back void.
What I have spoken to you is true.

Do not doubt my word.
Have I not said that it will come to pass?
Remember that the very areas that I have gifted you in,
Are the same areas that the enemy of your soul will attempt to disable you in.

Attacks in that area will be many, but I am your sword and your shield.
Look to me, for I am your Protector and your Provider.
I am more than enough for you. I will walk with you through every valley.

Trust me to bring my word to pass.