He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Psalm 91:4
In every season, God is faithful. No matter how we may feel or the doubts that we experience, He is there. Last week, we said good bye for the last time to my beloved Abuelita. She has been such a part of my life, and it is so difficult to imagine life going on without her. It was so hard to see her in such pain at the end, as she had been fighting cancer for 6 years, and it had finally gone into her lungs. When she finally passed, she went peacefully in her sleep. Even at the end, she was thinking of everyone else, worrying about food and lodging, but we reassured her that everything was taken care of. It was so precious that she was able to kiss and hug her children and grandchildren one last time before she went.
I am so very grateful that we had the time with her that we did. It was so very special to be with her, gathered around as we walked her through the shadow of death into the arms of the Father. Many people have little warning that their loved ones are going to pass, with sudden illnesses such as heart attacks or strokes.
We had the time to gather and say goodbye, which was special albeit painful to see her wither away to almost nothing as she lost all appetite and reverted to her native language. What was so special was singing songs over her as she drifted in and out of consciousness. I have to believe she could hear me and was blessed with God's peace through this.
What I found most interesting is that when my Abuelita breathed her last breath on this earth, I was not by her side. Instead, I was found caring for the youngest grandchild - bathing baby Anita Jean and playing with her. This is what my Abuelita longed to do, and what she would have been doing had she been whole and well. She was such a selfless servant. I am and will be forever grateful for the example she set of family first and unconditional love. The legacy of my grandmother's heart to serve and love for others lives on and is a burning passion in my heart, lit by the Lord and tended by her and others who have gone before. I hope and pray that this is something that will continue to grow in me, so I can reach out - serving and loving others. |