Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Life can be unexpected

Wow it has been quite awhile since I've written.

This semester has been one heck of an adventure. I would not recommend taking the bulk of your classes online, nor cramming 11 credit hours out of 14 into an 8-week session...but by the grace of God I have made it through, not just scraping by, but triumphantly.

Since I worked so hard this semester, I've really been focusing on recharging during the break. This means basically resting up a lot, and really prioritizing my goals for the spring. It's a great time to reflect upon this past year, and to set my goals for the upcoming year 2010!

Hopefully, I'll have a great environment in which to reflect if it works out for us to go to the beautiful land of Florida (we shall see...this is still being determined...). Hoping so much that we can, because I sure do LOOOVE the sunshine ;D

~Lysandra Elena

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Me, unmasked.

Tonight was IPOC's event: "Unmasked: A mother/daughter masquerade."

The funny thing was, I went into the planning, thinking, even honestly believing that everyone that came to this event would be impacted. I didn't even dream that would include me.

But God is amazing like that.

He takes the experiences, the opportunities that we are to go through, and uses them in our lives.

I believe that Cass, who headed up the whole thing, would say the same.

This event has been a dream for over a year. Andrea Rasmussen had it in her heart to put this together early last fall. She met multiple times with several individuals to get it in the works, and had even set a date for early August of this year. But as that day got closer, several things factored in that made us have to postpone it.

In stepped Cass, willing & full of heart, who boldly began to flesh out what this dream would look like as reality. She met with Shawn & Sarah Withy-Allen, worked out the budget, and coordinated performers. Yet, even with all of her administrative giftings, it was still clear in all of this that it was ultimately God pulling it all together.

The dance that God laid on Cass' heart became a vision that was imparted to Andele & Ashley.

The monologue that Cass' found became a burning passion within Brandie's heart.

The decor became a reality; it turned out beautifully with the help of many willing hands (thank you everyone who helped!!).

The speakers were kind enough to agree to come and share their wisdom with us- Thank you Mrs. Gloria Cotten & Mrs. Cheryl Rasmussen for all of your time in preparation & in teaching.

If there is one thing that this night has caused me to realize, it is that God is the dream giver and the dream fulfiller. He puts these incredible dreams in our hearts, and if they are in line with His will, He will ultimately bring them to pass.

All creativity is ultimately from God- and this night was a convergence of God's creative heart on so many levels- the magnitude of it all simply takes my breath away.

So back to the whole story of how I was impacted personally...

In the past year, the Lord has brought me through so much healing. It has been a process of growing, being stretched, and trusting completely in His goodness. Recently, I've been feeling like I am in such a place of vulnerability. It's as if all is stripped away. Everything that has been a barrier in the past between myself and my King, it has slowly been turned into rubble, and now it's being cleared away.

Tonight, I honestly did believe that I would come away with some nugget of truth.

Yet, I came away with so much more. I came away with the reality of the overwhelming love of my Savior. The sense of unshakeable protection within His arms of love. The security of realizing that He is always with me. And with the earth-shaking truth that no matter how sinful I am, God's righteousness covers my my iniquity. Nothing that I do can ever change that.

I've tried to hide from Him. I've tried to hide from myself. Yet as I stood in the embrace of a dear friend, I realized that I didn't need to hide.

Why do we hide?

It's the same reason that Adam & Eve hid in the garden: we are ashamed.

Ashamed of our sin. Ashamed of our vulnerability - our brokenness.

Why is it ok for people to be all crazy & happy, yet we shrink back if someone is honest in sharing their true feeling of pain or guilt?

It makes us uncomfortable.

Yet Jesus comes and covers us with His feathers, in the shadow of His wings. He whispers words of comfort, love, and adoration. He has set us apart as a people for Himself. He will not be satisfied until we are consumed with a passion for Him and His name. Let us be a people set apart for His name and His renown. Let us now grow weary in doing good- let us reach out to the hurting, the broken, the lost & lonely sinners.

Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me/I once was lost but now I'm found- was blind but now I see.

I have been broken. I once was shattered. Yet the hand of the Lord has restored.

How can I do anything less than share this gift of life with others, who are lost and dying?

Reach out. The world doesn't need to hear a really good sermon.

They need to see love in action; be the light that shines so brightly it catches their eye.

Once they see the difference in your life, they will want 'it' too.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Simply in awe of the majesty of God's creation.

God knows us, in and out, better than we ourselves.

He knew that I went to these beautiful gardens a couple months ago, that featured a wildlife exhibit. They had rehabilitated owls, and I "named" them all...I believe the first one was Horace, the second was Theodore,
and the female owl was Rosaline.

It was kind of hilarious, because I had rationalized that owls represent
wisdom, so they had to have scholarly sounding names to match.

Recently, I read an article in Creation magazine, on how marvelous owls are. I enjoyed learning more, as I had obviously been admiring them immensely as of late.

Did you know that they can almost rotate their heads all the way around? That's because their neck muscles are specially constructed so that they have an unusually high level of flexibility in that area. Also, their eyes are HUGE in proportion to their body. If they were as big as humans are, they would look really creepy because their eyes would be so big.

Tonight, I was leaving a party, and this house was back in sort of a forest. I was walking to my car, and I saw what appeared to be an enormous bat overhead. At first, I just paused and watched. Then, I realized it must be some sort of bird of prey. As soon as it had perched in a tree, I saw these huge eyes gazing back at me.

It was an owl. I decided right then and there that his name was Hubert.

But the cool thing was, that he was probably only 10-15 feet above me when he took flight.
I got to see his wing span- it was between 4-5' it seemed.
The majesty of flight in that moment was indescribable.

I probably didn't make Hubert too happy by turning the brights on my car, but I just had to get a better look. I wanted to see what his features were so I could look up what species he was. Which reminds me, I will probably go do that now; I love classifying birds.

This experience left me in awe of a God who could be so incredibly creative in His design.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Divine Focus

Divine Focus.

This is my prayer.

This is my one request.

That God would show me exactly what it is that is key right now,

what is simply a distraction or something that is extra or excess.

I used to say "yes" to different activities, only to become burnt out.

How is it glorifying to God if we are tired, drained, worn-out Christians?

It simply isn't the way that God has called us to live!

In order to be effective, we need to dwell in God's peace.

This is the mark of Christ: His fragrance.

How can we truly 'smell' of Christ if we aren't dwelling IN Christ?

How do we expect to react to a situation in a Godly way if we haven't

experienced the love of God, being poured into our hearts, or felt the

renewal of our minds by the power of God's word?

What I long for: to know that I am exactly where God wants me to be.

Oh, how I love to simply hear His voice, instead of the constant noise of this hurried life.

To simply

It purifies.

Purify our hearts, Lord.

Purify our minds.

Let us be a people who are set apart for Your name, and Your renown.

Oh Jesus, let us not be pulled away by all of the distractions of this world.

Let us fix our gaze upon You, Father.

To know You, Father, is our hearts cry.

Jesus, we are the reward of your suffering.

Let us see You, Lord. One glimpse brings us to our knees in awe of

Your glorious splendor.

-Lysandra Elena

(Ps. 119:32)
"I run in the path of Your commands, for you have set my heart free."

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Promise.

Hebrews Chapter 11 is considered the 'faith' chapter of the Bible. It summarizes & compiles the most epic adventures of the heros in the faith! I read it today, almost randomly, and it blew me away! It talks all about the incredible stories of saints in the past, whose stories are almost too incredible to believe, yet we've been desensitized to the impact of it all.

One powerful story is the story of Abraham, a man who God chose to found a nation that would be set apart for Himself. God promised that He would birth a nation through Abraham's wife Sarah, even though they were both quite elderly at the time. By human standards, it was simply impossible. Yet nothing, NOTHING, is impossible with God. He chose to birth a nation in a miraculous way: through a man who was 'as good as dead', whose wife was supposedly too old to birth a child.

God works in mysterious ways, doesn't He?

12And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore. Hebrews 11:12 (NIV)

Hebrews Ch. 11 is immediately followed by an exhortation in Ch. 12, verses 1 & 2, to run with endurance the race that is set before us, realizing that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. It exhorts us to look unto Jesus, who set the ultimate example of a race well run & carried to the end with excellence.

1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
New International Version (NIV)

Our existence is temporal. God is not limited by time.

We are contained by years, months, weeks, days; yet God created time, therefore He sees the end from the beginning.

Let us realize that this great story we have become a part of is so much bigger than ourselves. Let us realize that we are 'surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses.'

Let's throw aside every entanglement and hold firmly onto the promises of the Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who "for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, scorning the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today, at around noon, I will embark upon a journey...

Catalyst's 10th Annual Conference!! I'm stoked. Expecting to learn a lot- more posts to follow soon.


Friday, October 2, 2009

"What's the answer/To the question/I hear inside my heart?" (The Searching Song by LEB)

When I opened the page for My Utmost for this morning, gotta tell ya, it was quite a blow to my pride (once again lol). But then I realized that THIS is the answer to my question (see "The Girl vs. The Cynic").

It seems the theme recently has been God teaching me what it is to be humble, patient, kind, & gracious in the midst of difficulties. Being in a bind is NO EXCUSE to be unkind or nasty. When we're 'squeezed', the character of Christ should come forth. At least, that's the goal in my life.

If I'm in 'the valley' instead of on the mountaintop, that is not a license to despair. In no way am I allowed to give up hope. It has been strongly impressed upon me that this is where the battle takes place; in the midst of adversity. This is where character is shaped, by what I think, say, and do when life is hectic & stress levels are high.
Read the following with a willing heart. I pray that God would show you something fresh & new. <3,

Go to the reading for the second of October:


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Girl vs. The Cynic

Sometimes, my creative inspiration comes from the most random places...I mean c'mon, an old John Reuben cd, that happened to be on my old myspace blog, which I archived within the past couple of days...But somehow, it's totally relevant!

So I 'borrowed' the title of this entry- John Reuben's cd is entitled "The Boy vs. The Cynic". :)

Internal struggle...
Do I keep day dreaming as the 'girl', or do I shake myself out of it and become the rational 'cynic'?

Such a point of internal conflict.

I love to hope, to dream, to reach towards what I see as the ultimate goal. But, at the same time, the practical part of me says that I've got to do what makes sense right now. I can't keep thinking that everything will work out the way I wish it would...

So many times, it seems like my heart is pulling me in the right direction, but my head fights to go the opposite way. I'm just wondering if this internal 'battle' will end anytime soon. I don't like this feeling. It's uncomfortable. But maybe I'm not supposed to be comfortable. Hopefully this point of conflict will cause a stir within me to create a feistiness within my character; I've been passive for far too long.

This is one that just needs to be left to simmer for a little bit longer...I don't know the answer but I'm on the quest to find it.

--LB, The Adventurer.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


"...Surely, this isn't breathing, my chest burning & heaving-it's like my pulse is ceasing, like my heart quits beating... (gasping for breath)..." Not Without Love, The Benediction, Jimmy Needham.

Was I really breathing before?

Well, yes...literally, yet not figuratively.

Striving so often, gasping for breath...yet life would thrust me into the undertow.

It seemed like I could only truly come up for air every few months.
But now, I've come to a revelation.

Not only am I a 'creative soul,' I am an artist. In every sense of the word.

The artist within me has been fighting so hard to get out, and I think it's finally time that I let this creature run free.

Setting aside time for stillness is probably the biggest step.

Just time to 'be' is key.

So here goes- I've been taking baby steps towards this goal, but now I'm going to jump in with both feet. No longer will I be content to simply dip my toe into the water. I will immerse myself in creative activities that will enhance my artistic self.

Current creative projects: designing business card, as well as a mural for a photo shoot. Also, working on several songs that I have written- they simply need a bit of tweaking/perfecting. Soon, I will figure out how to use garage band & that will help with mixing my music a lot!

More updates to follow..


Thursday, September 24, 2009


Some thoughts on stepping into a new season, & closing the door on an earlier chapter.

So, honestly, I always figured, in my head at least, that transitions would always be smooth & clean. Especially if it's clearly something that God is leading you to do...

But, that's not always true. Transitions can & will be messy sometimes.

The fact of the matter is, the truth that we must hold onto: God is faithful. He never fails. He is our strength.

More than anything, what I have learned from this 'messy' transition that I've been walking through is to hold everything with an open hand.

If you hold on too tightly, it makes it that much more painful to let go. But if we allow God to have HIS way, if we will surrender our plans to His will, then it will be so much less painful.

It seems that grasping at things is so easy to do. When we see a great opportunity fading into the background, then we think there is some sort of problem, and we have to 'fix it' by our human efforts.

But many times, in my experience, it has been God's prompting to move on. I've questioned His will, and just overcomplicated everything...God's will is something that we seek & ask for with all of our hearts...Then, when we finally see His will coming to pass, it doesn't fit the mold we had made for how God would go about accomplishing His will. So we flip out, thinking it isn't God after all because it isn't at all 'how God would actually accomplish his plan.'

What a web of lies.

The enemy deceives us by confusion.

God purifies us with perfect clarity of heart and mind.

A bite-sized thought.

Impure motives pollute good intentions.

-Lysandra Elena

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

.Walking it out.

I'm amazed how life is never quite what you expect it to be. Of course, that's not a bad thing always, either. If we always knew what was around the next bend, when would the excitement & intrigue have a chance to cause us to keep chasing the dream?

In many ways, by God's grace, I have in some small way 'realized' a dream. It is a huge overall vision, but it has been in my heart for years, literally. It's amazing how if I really search out God's will, it somehow seems to come back to a dream that I had when I was much younger. It causes me to wonder how much creativity & innovation has been stunted/cut off by people simply choosing to give up on their dreams.

That's what the Lord has protected the most in me, I think. My Dreams.
Vision for where I want to go in the future, and how I will get there. It's so incredible to finally see a piece of the big picture. It simply blows me away. God's ways are perfect, in His timing especially.

"The right thing at the wrong time is still the wrong thing." (CJB)

Had a chance to take a mini-roadtrip today, which I always enjoy. It's always a great time to think over what has been going on in my life, and where I'm headed, etc. I love times of reflection.

God was definitely speaking to me to savor more. I get so busy sometimes, I forget to simply enjoy this season of my life. Just taking in a breath of fresh air in the morning, when the dew is still fresh on the ground, is a moment to praise God for creating everything so wonderfully.

During this road trip, God spoke to me of several things to lay at His feet. It was such a defining moment, I'm not sure that I quite have processed what exactly was enacted in me. Definitely something epic. Something indescribable. I am so much lighter in so many ways, so free from those burdens.

Oh, lay your burdens aside. The Father wants your heart, can't you see?

Striving, so often, we gasp & pant for a single breath to renew our lungs.

Yet this weight was never meant to be.

The expectations were never set by our Savior, but are man-made & legalistic.

Oh let Me come in like a flood & wash away the pain inside.

Oh child, hold on, love will find you.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

There's a purpose/ In every path you take/ A reason why you live.

A dear friend once told me a great piece of advice:

how to know if it's God leading you.

She said "You will know that it is God leading, because there won't be confusion. There will be perfect peace & clarity. God leads with a strong urging, and there will be peace surrounding this as well." (Mrs. Cheryl R.)

If there is clearly and open door, I will walk through it. God is sovereign, and He will guide me in the right path. This is a concept that I have wrestled with, and simply decided to trust.

I think that it is the most incredible feeling when you're in the middle of a situation, and you can see how God has lined up all of the players, almost like a game of chess. It's completely mind boggling!

An example of God's sovereignty:

1. Right now, I'm taking a Sociology class- I simply love it. We are in Ch. 3, and it is on culture. This is really interesting to learn about, especially for me, because of the fact that I've been on 3 trips overseas.

2. I love different cultures, simply because my family is international. I am half Bolivian, and when we come together, it's a party!! Mi Abuelita is a gourmet chef, and she spoils us- yummmmmmy!!. Home-made breads, mashed potatoes, spinach salad, rice pudding, alfajores pompadour, seafood souffle...can you tell that I'm hungry right now? Lol!

3. I love to dance- it is simply a part of my being. I can't go a day without stretching, exercising, or just moving around in some way! It is simply a joy for me to dance- all kinds, especially line dances, bring such joy to everyone! I love learning new dances- it is my heart's desire to be able to bridge the gap to many different cultures and travel the world like Ana Pavlova. She shared her gift of creativity with those who had nothing to give in exchange. Likewise, I would like to share my gift of dance with those who are destitute, yet are still desiring to see beautiful artwork, and are worthy to experience it.

All these premises have a purpose, obviously.

Last night, my family went to the Greek Food Festival- it was incredibly rich. Delicious Gyros, Baklava, & other delicious authentic Greek treats. I met up with some friends when we got there. My parents met up with a couple- they are so incredibly cool! The wife is Bolivian, and the husband is Greek, yet he speaks and understands fluent Espanol. It was pretty humorous to hear a Greek gentleman replying to his Bolivian wife (who spoke to him in Spanish), in English!!

So I got there, & met up with my friend Katelynn & her mom. We went inside to watch the dancing. The youth were dancing, and it was so joyous. You could tell that everyone wanted to join in, but most of them were probably too scared to join in, due to a fear of failure or something similar. It was pure joy- to see the children & young teens so excited to be doing the cultural dances of their country. I could tell that many of them were probably 2nd or 3rd generation, but they still loved the dancing.

So they had an opportunity for everyone to join in...so I pulled my friend Katelynn into the 'beautiful chaos' with me. It was so much fun. Afterwards, I chased down the instructor, Didira, and asked her about lessons. She explained that it was more of a church group type thing, but was flattered by my interest. I explained to her that I do all kinds of dance, and I just love cultural dances! Basically, if it's a line dance, I'm in. haha! So we exchanged information, and she told me to best thing to do would be to call the church office.

After that, I found everyone again, then we went & got some scrumptious gyros and chowed down. I need to figure out how to make those- they are a little piece of heaven. Wait- the real little piece of heaven is baklava...mmmmm. So flaky & sweet. I better stop- I'm making myself hungrier... ;)

Ok, so as it turns out, my dad worked with an older gentleman named Ted P. at DuPont. We met his wife, she is a sweetheart! So we told her about how I wanted to come learn the dances at the church, and she said she would talk to the Priest's wife about me joining in the dance classes. What an open door! She told me to call the church office, but that she would make sure that they knew who I was.

All of this happened last night. This morning, I woke up and opened my Bible- it was to Acts Ch. 20. No lie- the header for this passage (NKJV) is "Journeys in Greece." If this isn't God leading me to get involved in this, then I don't know what it is. I am in awe of God & His perfect timing in all things.

Thank you Jesus for your hand in my life!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"What's in your hand?"

A single question.

A conundrum, in that it appears so innocent, so simple. Yet when one begins to comprehend the depth of what is truly in one's hand, it can be overwhelming all at once.

This was the question that I was faced with tonight.

So, I asked myself- what is in my hand?

A side note: I am such a detail oriented individual, it is extremely difficult for me to see the forest for the trees- to see beyond the individual parts, the miniscule details, and look up to see that the bark, trunk, leaves, & roots all combine to form the masterpiece that is a tree. For me to see the big picture is no less than a miracle. I know God is speaking to me when I begin to see the big picture!

What is in my hand- life experience.

There is so much more, but it would take forever to expound upon, so I'll start there.

I have walked through the darkest of valleys and come through alive simply because my Savior is greater than the trials I have faced. I cannot take any credit for it. He is my shelter, my strong tower, my ever present help in time of need. He has covered me with His feathers- in the shadow of his wings is my shelter- His faithfulness IS my shield and rampart. (Ps. 91:12)

Looking back, I see how many times the enemy literally tried to kill me. By using others to persecute me, at times I wished that it would all just fall away. I felt like giving up and letting all the fight seep out of me. I remember all of the girls that were jealous, the cruelty that had no merit whatsoever. They were allowing themselves to be tools in the hands of the enemy.

How long does healing take?

I believe that it is a process yes, but at the same time, I think it is a decision. You can decide to hold onto that pain, that hurt, that bitterness. But it will fester - oh boy it will get infected until you will hardly recognize the state of your own soul anymore.

Yet, if you allow the sweet salve of the Lord to come and be massaged, ever so gently into the wounds, God will have permission to restore what the enemy has attempted to steal, kill, & destroy.

I'm not saying that the healing process isn't painful, because it is. But the joy in being complete once more, the love that comes out of a forgiving heart is worthy of the price that must be paid in exchange.

"Re-tooling" is the word the Lord spoke to me at the beginning of the summer. It was spot on. It hasn't ended either- it is only the beginning of the healing work that the Lord is enacting in me.

A victory- today, I picked up my clarinet with great joy for the first time in 4 years. The pain that has been associated with that instrument has been immense. There were people that I needed to release & forgive in order to have freedom from those negative emotions.

It was last night that the Lord reminded me of my musings at 13 years old while practicing my beloved clarinet (whom I christened "Old Reliable") that my playing was reminiscent of the musicality of King David. Oh with such joy I would play my scales & all my favorite marches. Up until now, I had forgotten that such pure worship had once poured forth when I played.

I believe that this healing work is a testimony to God's faithfulness. I am not supposed to keep it to myself, I'm supposed to share it with others. Then they will be encouraged that whatever circumstances they are facing, God is so much bigger.

I'll close with a simple question:

"What's in your hand?" ;)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Walking it out.

My last post, entitled sifting, was definitely a prelude to something that God was about to do. In that reflection, I feel as if I was on the outside looking in. Now I'm on the inside, & it's hard to see beyond circumstances.

It's true; I'm weary. I'm heavy laden. I have some things on my heart, burdens that are weighing me down. Here comes the test- will I persevere? I have to say, with God's strength as my own, I know that I will.

This is truly a good place to be. Although it may be painful, I know that the product of persecution & trials, if we respond in the right way, is becoming more like Christ. This is what I truly desire. It has been my heart since I came to know the Lord as my Savior.

I will hold on to His promises- I know that they are true. He is faithful!

When I was praying last night, just laying my heart bare before my King and telling Him that I'm weary, & beseeching Him to be my strength, He comforted me. His peace flooded over me, and He spoke to me that I'm just going to have to walk this out.

That means several things to me: firstly, that I will need to be strong. Where does that strength come from? It can't come from me, because that would be relying on my flesh and while it may be sustainable for a week or two, will ultimately fail. My strength will come from the Lord, from staying in His word, worshiping before His throne, fasting, and prayer. Secondly, that the Lord will supply everything that I need to walk through this, no matter what my emotions. That it will be a struggle- yes, there will be a fight to win. However, I am not alone. God is on my side- He is my warrior Prince. I do not go into this battle alone. Thirdly, it means that it is in His plan to use this time as a training for me. There is something that He wants to teach me & areas that He wants to cause growth in. If I am willing to let him shape me during this time, it will be a beautiful thing in the end.

I thank you Lord, for being Sovereign. Emotions change time and time again, yet You remain the same. You are my Rock, my strong tower, my ever present help in time of need. You are my King, I declare it. Unto You I will sing praises all day long. Let me cling only to You.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


Luke 22:31-34

31"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you[a] as wheat. 32But I have prayed for you, Simon,
that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
33But he replied, "Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death."
34Jesus answered, "I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times
that you know me."

Sometimes, life throws you curveballs. I was reminded of this recently when a friend of mine had something come up in his life that shook him up a little bit. Sure, it was unexpected; but God knew it was coming. And I'm convinced that God had been preparing his heart to go through this trial.

I think in many instances, God builds up our character, and then sends seasons of testing our way to make sure the lesson has "stuck." What would the point be if the Lord taught us things, but never tested us? That's like training consistently for a marathon, then never actually running it. There's no satisfaction or sense of accomplishment; only the dullness of routine until you tire of it and move on.

The way that the Lord instructs us, and then follows with times of testing, this molds our character into His image. It's like strength training--you've got to work the muscles, which causes tiny rips & tears in your tissue. Essentially, you're breaking down your muscles to build strength.

I can remember many instances in my own life when I've been on the mountaintop, having amazing fellowship with the Lord. Sometime after, it will be time to descend into the valley. I may feel as if I'm all alone; but then I recall that the Lord is always with me. "The Lord is MY Shepherd, I shall not be in want." Psalm 23:1 (NIV). That's way more than a statement- it's a declaration. If you're in the midst of trials, a "sifting", or just feel a little stretched, declare God's word over your life. "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Heb. 4:12 (NIV)

Truly, God's word brings an eternal perspective that exceedingly transcends temporal existence. Dig into His word, and you will never be the same. I pray that as you daily walk out this great love story, that the joy of the Lord would be your strength. May the Lord speak to you mightily May you dream big, not holding back in fear of failure, but going forth in boldness, declaring the great purpose and destiny god has in store for your life!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Levels of healing: going deeper.

I haven't written in so long, but that's ok. I'll just summarize basically the past month and go from there...

So I finished up my summer Biology class with an A (!!). I guess all that hard work paid off. It was really cool that I made some new friends too, that I will definitely stay in touch with. Holli, one of my pals from Bio, was so awesome. We would text/call each other and be like "what's the 2nd step of aerobic respiration?" You know, quiz each other and such. It was awesome.

Biology finished up on July 13th. Since then, I've pretty much been working part-time and trying to hang out as much as possible before school starts in a few weeks. Which reminds me that I've got to jump on some hardcore studying to pass a clep exam...err...need to get on that.

Another exciting thing is the meetings to plan for the GenIgnite "Ignite Groups." Basically, they are super small groups of 5-8 teens with a leader & co-leader. The purpose of these groups is to fellowship & grow together in their relationship with the Lord. Pretty awesome! I'm so excited because the leaders are also going to have fellowship groups, to encourage each other/learn more about how to lead, etc. I can't wait to see what God is going to do- the anticipation builds as we come closer and closer to August 23rd- the launch date. WHOO HOO!!

Last night was Engine, the weekly prayer/worship meeting for GenIgnite. The crazy thing was, I was already gonna be late because I finished up some things pretty late at work. Then I got to church, and the parking lot was caution taped off!! I was wondering what in the world happened...so I went to Executive Place thinking that the meeting might have been moved over there, and no one was there either. So I was sitting there, calling a bunch of ppl to see what was going on, but no one answered. Until Danny texted me and told me we had to park in the other parking lot at the Manna site...lol. So I got there with about 15 or 20 minutes left of the worship time.

God's presence was so apparent- it was like coming straight before the throne of grace--incredible. I fell to my knees in adoration of the God who created us, and has poured out His love for us to the extent of death on a cross for the sins of the world. Though we rejected Him, He set His love upon us and gave the ultimate sacrifice that we might be called sons and daughters of the living God. Sitting there, before the Lord, words failed me. I just kept telling God that I was so in AWE of Him and who He is, that I didn't have the words to describe just how incredible He is. Right there, in that place, God reminded me of a couple of people that I needed to forgive. He truly helped me to release them completely.

The funny thing is that I've forgiven these people before; so many times I've prayed for God to help me forgive them, etc. I've come to realize that forgiveness can come in levels. It's like when you forgive them the first time, it can be on the surface level, yet there may be residue of unforgiveness still. So God will come in again for a second cleaning, which will stir up the silt sitting in the depth of our hearts, and clean it out a second time. Maybe sometimes it's the third time that truly purifies us. That's simply a kind of analogy in my mind. Whichever way, whatever form the forgiveness comes in, God knows us. He truly does. He knows that we are but dust. He is so gracious. I thank Him for never failing, for speaking to my heart to forgive these people.

It is SO freeing to release them. I know that God has healed me on a deeper level than I even believed that He could, because He is so gracious and loving. After this healing took place in my heart, Shawn Withy-Allen said let's have just one minute of speaking praises to God's name out loud. I started praising Him and just pouring out a heart of praise. I'm not kidding- it felt like 20 seconds, but two minutes had actually passed!! It's so important to speak thanksgiving to God, and it reminded me that I definitely need to focus on that more.

God is ever faithful, ever true. He is near to the broken hearted.

If you have wounds that are so deep, you don't think they can ever heal, simply trust Him. He will never give you more than you can handle. He is the God who is there. He will walk with you through deep waters. He will hold your hand through the pain of remembering and dealing with the deepest hurts within your soul. Trust in God, and He will bring a cleansing in your heart and soul, the depth of which is sometimes beyond our comprehension. He is our Healer.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

"Re-tooling: A Work in Progress"

This is the word that the Lord spoke to me when I was especially frustrated during this last week. He is "re-tooling" me-wanting to heal many wounds within my heart that have healed in a bad way.

The best analogy I can think of is that of a broken bone that has healed, but has so much scar tissue around it- it is hardly functional. Not only that, but it has healed all crooked, so that it doesn't work in the way it was meant in the first place. The Lord comes as the good physician, and offers to perform major surgery to correct this wizened limb. He explains that it is a long, arduous procedure, but in His capable hands it will all turn out just fine.

The surgery will involve re-breaking the bone, re-setting it in the correct way, and a long road to complete healing. But the rewards will be astounding! The limb will be fully functional again, and with therapy, it will hardly be noticeable that it was ever broken!! As I consider this proposal, I realize that I must trust in my Savior. He truly knows what is best for me; if he sees that a part of me is broken, it must be important that it be healed.

This is where I am.

In the middle of a healing work that God is doing in my heart. It hurts so much in the midst of it all, as the Lord is walking you through the healing process, but I have been here before many times. He will carry me when I am weak. He will continually speak words of encouragement to my thirsty soul. He will not let me perish in a dry and weary land. He will be my sustenance and my help. The healing will come, and I will be whole once more.

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Battling anxiety.

It's so easy to live in fear. To see how things might go wrong, and constantly be worried that life might work out that way. It is so much harder to constantly trust in God that He will sustain you, and work out the circumstances according to His good and perfect will. But that is the way of life that brings so much peace- it's also what we are commanded to do in His Word.

God has been showing me just how much I have been held back by fear. Fear of the future, of the unknown, others' opinions, failure, unworthiness. So many times, we are held back because we are not obeying God. God has promised us full and ABUNDANT life. Will He not supply every need, according to His riches and glory? Why do we worry if it is firstly disobedience to God, and secondly not accomplishing anything, & thirdly, maybe even a habit that is detrimental to our health?

I think it's a form of grasping at control. We feel life is so transient, that we try and reach out to something we can hold onto. If we worry about our circumstances, somehow we think we can change the outcome. But in the end, it's still the same. God is still God, and He always knew the end from the beginning. He knows what will come to pass at the end from before the event ever starts- kind of mind-boggling!! So worry doesn't change the outcome; instead it tears down our faith. It makes us come into the mindset that our problems are bigger than God's power. Yeah right, like anything could be bigger or more powerful than the God of the universe.

While this is something that I'm still learning about (and will constantly fight to trust God with), I believe that we have weapons against anxiety.

We can tell God about the circumstances, how they seem impossible, and set our will that we will not hold onto them, but instead give them to Him. Praying the scriptures over these issues can help as well. Praying the Psalms is wonderful! Most of all, just coming before our Father with faith like a child, realizing that He wants to give good gifts to His children. He loves us, and has good plans for us in the future. If we trust in Him, He will sustain us with His mighty right hand.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So, tonight was a two hour episode of So You Think You Can Dance?
So much talent, so amazing. Yet I am awed that these people work so hard, they expend so much energy on this getting into this show, only to be told they aren't good enough. Talk about broken dreams. And I am just amazed at the sheer talent and determination of each dancer. I think of how many hours of practice they have spent, to attain the level of training and expertise in dance. Then I think of how much more powerful it could be if they knew the Lord, if they had a passion for Him, to use their amazing abilities to glorify Him.

It's the never ending question, it seems, for Christian artists- excellence or a heart of worship?

It's a tough one, that's for sure. I would say without hesitation, firstly a heart of worship. But at the same time, I want the talent. I want for us to stand out, to be just as excellent or even more so than the world, that they would see the contrast between what their art is without God, and what ours is with Him.

I wonder, how will we reach that point?

There is a movement- God is doing mighty things all over the world. First, he transported some precious family friends of ours to Hong Kong, and they are making an impact for Him there in the dance world. The Capps family have headed Glory Dance Ministries for several years now, a modern dance based ministry that is on the cutting edge. They have a heart of worship at the core of the ministry, yet at the same time the strongly believe in the excellence aspect as well. Check them out at glorydance.com.

Also, my teachers at my dance school, Alpha and Omega dance Academy. They have a heart to worship the Lord, and also have strong technique.

Sometimes it's hard to keep trusting that we will see an impact in this area, but I know that God is moving. He is doing something great in the arts and I know that He will use this in a mighty way to reach many people and draw them unto Himself.

This is also the point at which I become torn- I love dance so much, I just love love love praising the Lord with my whole heart when I dance. What joy in the fullness of knowing Him!! Does this mean that I pursue dance as a career? Will it only be a recreation/weekend ministry, while my job is in another area altogether? I have agonized over this. I have changed my mind so many times. I just need to trust, and forget about the worry over having enough. If it's His will, He will provide. Oh Lord, open my heart to the plans that YOU have for me.

~Lysandra Elena

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Birthday reflections

20 years old today. Two decades. It's so crazy to think of it in terms of decades.
It's sort of a long while, yet I feel like it's flown by- and it's only the beginning.

This morning, I woke up to my dad saying "Happy birthday, Little Monster." It was so sweet!

I've learned so much, and I've still much to learn I know. One thing that I want to keep learning my whole entire life is how to love others. It's so essential, and it's what Jesus did. He has loved us with an everlasting love, even to the point of dying on the cross for us. Oh that I could love others to that extent, to the point of being willing to die in their place. That is true love.

Very special last night- a night of prophecy by Michael Cotten at V2- it was so cool to see God speaking through him into people's lives, to see them touched as they received a word from the Lord. Afterwards, I asked if he could pray for me because it was my birthday the next day. I was blown away by the things that he said. Firstly, he said that God has given me a resiliance and a flexibility to bend, but not break. This is coupled with an endurance to run the race and not grow weary. He also prophecied over my future husband and my career! It was pretty cool.

Thank you Lord for giving me life, for sustaining me. You alone are good and just. You have been my sustenence through it all, through the storm and in the brightest of sunshine. I would not be who I am today if it weren't for knowing you Jesus. I don't even know if I would be here today if it weren't for your hand upholding me through the darkest of hours. I love you Lord and I look forward to the next 20 years with You, and the next and the next.

~Lysandra Elena

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Talent & Aspirations

This weekend, I had the privilege to attend the North Carolinians for Home Education Conference in Winston-Salem. It was truly a dynamic time with great speakers. John Stonestreet had so many great things to say- I think I went to 2-3 of his sessions- it was awesome. What was really exciting was that Casiphia & I were accepted into the talent showcase on Friday night with our dance piece, Carried to the Table by Leeland.

There is something so special about using your gifts for the Lord, and being able to share them with others. It's so fulfilling. Reflecting back, I think of the exhilarating feeling of going onto the stage and doing what you were created to do. I joke and tell people sometimes that I was dancing in the womb. But seriously, I probably was :)

I am so grateful to the Lord for this opportunity, and for parents who have been so supportive over the years. They have driven me to so many rehearsals and practices for dance. It has been such a blessing and I love you mom and dad!!

On another note,
I am taking a summer Biology class. So far I really like my teacher, who makes a 50-min session seem like 15. Although I do not enjoy the movie to hold us through the last hour of lab, I am pretty excited to be learning more about God's creation. I love to learn and I'm looking forward to a great 8 weeks.

God Bless!!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

God's grace is sufficient

Well, it has been almost two months since I've written anything! Much too long, yet I've felt I needed to "marinate" for awhile, to really grasp what God has been speaking to me lest I say anything in vain.

It has been an interesting time most recently. So much uncertainty as to the future, questioning what I truly value and what my priorities are. I have begun to realize just how much more disciplined I can be (& need to be) with my time. Time is such a gift from God- it is a commodity that we all claim is always getting away from us, yet if we examine our daily routine, so much of our day is wasted on things with little eternal significance.

Much too often, I catch myself going through the motions of life, yet not savoring each moment as a gift. It's a paradigm shift to treasure every second as precious, to see that relationships are the key that determine the quality of life. Tending to get caught in the mentality that tasks are of the utmost importance, many times I miss the opportunities that have the most value & worth.

God's sweet voice continually pulls me back to a place of quietude, of sitting before Him in awe of who He is. Of seeing the beauty in every single person, regardless of a rough exterior or tough front they may project to myself & others.

To paraphrase Kevin Turner, Founder of Strategic World Impact & the keynote speaker at the Global Impact Celebration's Banquet this past Friday night, ' the world doesn't need another great sermon, it needs people who live out God's love to others everyday.'

I've come to realize that God's love is so much deeper than I can imagine, and though I try to show that in a practical way to others, many times I fail. Yet somehow, God's grace is sufficient in that He can use me to speak to others of His love. By His Holy Spirit, He can use men, broken vessels, to carry the living water of the gospel to those who would otherwise perish in a dry and weary land.

All this to say I am still learning, and it moves me to see a glimpse of God's love, to feel the pull of the Holy Spirit on my heart for the nations. Oh my word, the World Children's Choir came Friday night, I was so torn up inside. These kids have been through such unimaginable tragedy, so many of them orphans, yet they are singing praises to God. They don't blame God for the fact that they may have lost one or both of their parents, instead they have chosen to serve Him with their whole heart.

To see the children of the nations praising God in their native languages, now that is the power of God on display. God's presence was so thick & tangible in the room. It seemed I almost saw, as through a glass darkly, a picture of what it will be like in heaven when we are praising our Lord & King altogether. So indescribable- the pure joy of laughter and the triumph of the Kingdom of God over the kingdom of darkness.

Thank you Jesus that Your word is true! You are so good Lord and I praise you for your love that you have shed abroad in our hearts. I praise You Lord- You are worthy of all honor, glory and praise--forever and ever! Amen.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thoughts from a friend

I'm so excited! I recently got the Jimmy Needham CD for Christmas, & it's so rich. About 10 out of 12 of his songs have 2 scripture references apiece that they are based upon, which is quite a feat unless you are truly being led by the Holy Spirit. He is definitely a strong voice for the Lord, & has an amazing testimony as well. So here is a word from my friend Jimmy Needham, whom I hope to meet someday. He has so much God-given wisdom- please read with an open heart... ~Lysandra Elena

Tips on Sharing the Gospel with Your Friends

Friday, Dec 5th, 2008

I recently did an interview where the following question about evangelism was asked. I felt compelled to share this with you guys as it might encourage and challenge some of you.

Question: Do you have any advice for someone trying to reach their friends for Christ?

Jimmy: Pray that they're hearts would be softened. The reality is "the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." (2 Corinthians 4:4). Here is the truth, unless God grants them repentance, they will never escape the snare of the devil (2 Timothy 2:25-26). So, beg God to do a work on their heart. Also, pray that he would create an opportunity for you to share the gospel with them, and that he would give you courage to speak when the time comes. Remember, you can't save your friends. Only God can (John 6:44). So, don't feel like you've failed if they don't immediately humble their hearts after you talk to them. God is pleased with your obedience, not how many converts you have. I was the first to be saved in my family, and I prayed for their souls fervently night after night. Slowly but surely, starting with my brother, then my mom and now my dad, my family is being won into the Kingdom. I believe it wouldn't have happened without prayer.

A couple of other thoughts: Please make sure you're preaching the right gospel. The information you share with them is like a key. If you give them the wrong key, it will never open the door of eternal life. My car keys, no matter how hard I try, will never open the door to my house. Search the Scriptures to make sure your gospel is Jesus' gospel. Here's some good places to start looking: Ephesians 2:1-10, Titus 2:11-14, 3:3-7, Acts 17:22-31. The book of Romans is a tremendously in depth gospel presentation, particularly chapters 1-5. Also, if you would like a good extra-biblical resource, John MacArthur gives a great articulation of the gospel on his website www.gty.org. Just click on "the gospel" tab on the home page. A careful search of the Scriptures concerning what the gospel is will not only benefit your evangelism, but it should also birth in you a deeper appreciation for your own salvation.

Lastly, be careful how you live. Make sure your life backs up your speech. I've had so many opportunities to share the gospel with a person simply because they've been impacted by the way I live my life. Likewise, my message has been hindered when I have acted out in my flesh. Whether you believe it or not, your lost friends are watching you. You are a model of Jesus to them. Make sure the picture they are getting is accurate (1 Peter 2:12).

The good news that there is now forgiveness of sins by the blood of Christ is the sweetest news in the universe. I hope you would find much delight in it, and in turn find much delight in distributing that hope to a lost and dying world.


**Source: Jimmyneedham.com**

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My heart.

It's been heavily on my heart these past few months, but it seems to be getting more urgent as this new year begins. I've grown up in the church, yet been in many different environments. I believe it has been God's will for this, so that I am able to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and many different walks of life.

This truly breaks my heart. I have seen that many (not all, but many) people in the church have failed to accept those who come in from the outside. They get so comfortable in their own circle of friends, they think it's not their calling to reach out to touch a life. God has shown me so clearly that this is a major area in which Christians have failed: Acceptance & having unconditional love for others. I, too, have been guilty of this. Yet God is continually changing my heart- by bringing me to the realization that it's not by my own righteousness that I have seen this failure- it is God's grace to pluck me out and set me apart, so I can fight something that (I believe) God Himself hates.

Legalism is the culprit-- it's all too easy to judge others, as we can easily see their flaws. However, when it comes time to be held accountable, we are unwilling to examine our own hearts and see our own weaknesses. We are so quick to constantly point out the shortcomings of others, whether it be in our thoughts or through our words (gossip & slander). Brothers & Sisters- this should not be so. Why is it that those in the body of Christ would be less willing to accept people & love them than those who do not even know God? Why do those who are hurting and in pain have to go out to party to find the love & acceptance that God wants to give them?

Recently, God clearly illustrated this point to me about judging others- it can become almost subconscious, but sometimes we can catch ourselves doing it. I was at a concert (kind of an outreach), volunteering. We were talking with a lovely gal from a mission organization, and there was a guy that worked with her sitting at the booth. Because he didn't talk at first-he was on his lap top I think, I wrote it off as unfriendliness & aloofness. Yet, when she introduced him to us, he was really kind & outgoing. His love & passion for the Lord was clearly visible when he spoke. In that moment, God said to me "See Lysandra, you jumped to that conclusion before you had even talked to him...How often do you do that?" I was convicted, to say the least. I hadn't taken into mind the possibility that he might have simply been concentrating on a task he needed to get accomplish right then.

God used this whole situation to illustrate to me just how many times I do this- judge others. Wherever we go, a lot of times we will write people off- put them in a box- stick a label on their forehead; "prep", "jock", "emo kid." And the thing is, even if that is their area of interest, shouldn't we be willing to reach out to them and show them God's love where they're at? Why do we let our differences determine our actions/attitudes towards others?

After that concert, I think it was the next day even, I read in the New Testament about not judging people by their appearances- some were treating those who were well dressed with respect, and giving the poor man a lowly seat in the assembly of their Church. That still happens today, maybe not the exact same scenario, but it's the heart of the matter that we must examine. What a head smack God gave me- at the time it really stung (figuratively lol), but now I can see legalism & judging people clearly- it's basically a special discernment now.

If this is something the Lord has put on your heart-either by reading this or He has been speaking it to you, please pray. Know that the greatest way we can change the spiritual climate is by getting on our knees. Even when we don't know how to pray, the Holy Spirit will speak to us specifically how to pray. God Bless you as we go into the year 2009.