Saturday, October 31, 2009


Simply in awe of the majesty of God's creation.

God knows us, in and out, better than we ourselves.

He knew that I went to these beautiful gardens a couple months ago, that featured a wildlife exhibit. They had rehabilitated owls, and I "named" them all...I believe the first one was Horace, the second was Theodore,
and the female owl was Rosaline.

It was kind of hilarious, because I had rationalized that owls represent
wisdom, so they had to have scholarly sounding names to match.

Recently, I read an article in Creation magazine, on how marvelous owls are. I enjoyed learning more, as I had obviously been admiring them immensely as of late.

Did you know that they can almost rotate their heads all the way around? That's because their neck muscles are specially constructed so that they have an unusually high level of flexibility in that area. Also, their eyes are HUGE in proportion to their body. If they were as big as humans are, they would look really creepy because their eyes would be so big.

Tonight, I was leaving a party, and this house was back in sort of a forest. I was walking to my car, and I saw what appeared to be an enormous bat overhead. At first, I just paused and watched. Then, I realized it must be some sort of bird of prey. As soon as it had perched in a tree, I saw these huge eyes gazing back at me.

It was an owl. I decided right then and there that his name was Hubert.

But the cool thing was, that he was probably only 10-15 feet above me when he took flight.
I got to see his wing span- it was between 4-5' it seemed.
The majesty of flight in that moment was indescribable.

I probably didn't make Hubert too happy by turning the brights on my car, but I just had to get a better look. I wanted to see what his features were so I could look up what species he was. Which reminds me, I will probably go do that now; I love classifying birds.

This experience left me in awe of a God who could be so incredibly creative in His design.

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