Monday, April 19, 2010

Hold on, Love will find you.

When I feel like giving up, when I feel like caving in, there is one thing I recall to mind: God is faithful.

I am reminded of a time when I despaired of ever finding a love worth keeping. God sang to me: "Hold on, love will find you, hold on- he's right behind you now- just hold on, 'cause love will find you." (Lyrics from "Hold on" by Nichole Nordeman).

I think this speaks of not only God's eternal love for me, but of the love that He has prepared for me with my future husband. Right now, that day that I meet him seems so far away. Yet in God's eternal perspective, it's really kind of humorous. He is not constrained by time- He knows the end of the story and has looked through it countless times, rejoicing in the great things in store for me.

Why do we doubt?

I know it's because of a lack of faith, but also because we are limited by our finite perspective. My prayer for myself, and for you, is that God would show us one tiny glimpse into eternity, into the fact that He has it all mapped out ahead of us. He knows the joys and triumphs we will face before the ever begin to materialize in our lives. I am reminded, yet again, of just how good God is- His word never fails.

We cannot rely on our emotions- they will betray us. We cannot determine our lives by the shifting sands of time. One thing is true: We can depend upon the one who breathed breath into our lungs, the one who is holding us now- the one who longs to simply spend time with us. Let Him hold you today- He is good. He will fulfill that which He has promised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you, Lysandra! Seriously. The Lord's been teaching me so much about love in the last few weeks.
And, this note is a helpful reminder of his never ending, never used up, never faltering, never week faithfulness. Praise Jesus!