Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jared Anderson Concert

Our picture with Jared Anderson!

(L-->R:: Jared Anderson, Lysandra (me), Chris Hale).

Wow, I have sorely neglected my blog! Sad to say, it's been quite awhile since my last post.

Quite a day, today. God sure does work in mysterious ways. He provides streams of refreshing in the desert.

So today, the plan was go to class (night classes-bleh), as usual. I knew that there was a Jared Anderson Concert coming to a nearby city, but I was concerned about driving alone through back roads at night, as well as missing class...

At about 2 or 3pm this afternoon, I noticed that Chris Hale had posted a notice about having an extra ticket. I was so stoked when I found that out, because I knew it meant there was a group of people going from my church, and I could probably either ride or drive up with them!

So a friend of mine had 'reserved' me a ticket, since I told him earlier that I might come, but then I told him I wasn't coming, since I had class etc. etc....

When I found out that other friends were going, and I would be able to go, I didn't tell my friend that I was coming! I surprised him- so that was fun.

The concert was amazing. I feel like it was just a taste of what worship in heaven will be like. Honestly, it was a 2-hr concert, but felt like 20 minutes when it was over. They did break it up with some intros, announcements, an altar call, etc. But it did seem like it flew by!

You know what? It was just such a blessing to be refreshed and renewed in God's presence-there truly is nothing like the love of God washing over you anew.

Another cool thing- Jared Anderson wrote "Born for Jesus" when he autographed my poster. It was so cool- I know that God has great plans for me, but that also goes along with the meaning of my name. My name means "Liberator of Mankind" or "Deliverer", for Jesus- who is the liberator of us all. My prayer is that God would use me, my life, my walk, my words, to be a light that would draw others unto Himself, that through me, the captives may be liberated from darkness into His glorious light. Amen!

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