Friday, December 12, 2008

Beginning of the Beginning

This was my Costa Rica blog. Now, I've decided to put my thoughts up, and more specifically what God is teaching me at any given time.

Well, I've reached a significant mark. I finished another semester of college! While working part-time at that! It is amazing just how much the physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion has begun to catch up with me. I've been going and going. Now I just want to get away from it all. I want to go on a retreat to the beautiful mountains of NC, with the Christmas tree fields and the birds singing, where the stars are clear, bright and shining. Where I'm reminded of my childhood home, in the country, and oh it was so beautiful. It also brings to mind when we went down into the Grand Canyon Arizona with our Jeep. On the way out, my mom turned off the lights and we just sat there, in awe of the in stars. Without the humidity, and light pollution, you could see all of the constellations. How I marvelled at God's creation. We began to worship then and there, in our little Jeep, with Hannah, Candace, Casiphia, Mami, and myself. What a wonderful memory.

I can't wait to return to Arizona (SOON!). I am hoping this summer coming up, or the next, to fly over, and maybe go on that much talked of road trip to CA with Candace. I've always wanted to go to LA, see all the sights, maybe even work on my surfing skills : ) Then again, Mi Abuelita has talked of going to Bolivia next summer, but that also depends upon the political/security situation-things have been pretty heated over there lately, it has been dangerous for U.S. Citizens. We shall see-Lord willing, everything will come together for both of these trips.

Something I realized today is just how much I have been striving. It was only when I stopped to take a breath (figuratively) that I realized how tuckered out I am. It sneaks up on you- one day, you are totally surrendered before the Lord, then little by little, life begins to steal your peace. Someone says something negative, money gets tight, problems arise, and before you know it, you don't recognize where you're at. Well, how do we fix this problem? you might ask. It's simple, I believe. Worship the Lord, Read His word, repent of carrying the burdens, worries, and sin that so easily entangles. Be quiet before the Lord-meditate upon His word and His attributes. Ask Him what it is that has been pulling you down and holding you back, then kick anything that has been stealing our affections. Take out the trash that life so easily piles inside of your heart. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us of all our sins. I am going to rest in Him. It's the only way to live. Great is your faithfulness, Lord God!!

~Lysandra Elena~

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