Sunday, July 5, 2009

"Re-tooling: A Work in Progress"

This is the word that the Lord spoke to me when I was especially frustrated during this last week. He is "re-tooling" me-wanting to heal many wounds within my heart that have healed in a bad way.

The best analogy I can think of is that of a broken bone that has healed, but has so much scar tissue around it- it is hardly functional. Not only that, but it has healed all crooked, so that it doesn't work in the way it was meant in the first place. The Lord comes as the good physician, and offers to perform major surgery to correct this wizened limb. He explains that it is a long, arduous procedure, but in His capable hands it will all turn out just fine.

The surgery will involve re-breaking the bone, re-setting it in the correct way, and a long road to complete healing. But the rewards will be astounding! The limb will be fully functional again, and with therapy, it will hardly be noticeable that it was ever broken!! As I consider this proposal, I realize that I must trust in my Savior. He truly knows what is best for me; if he sees that a part of me is broken, it must be important that it be healed.

This is where I am.

In the middle of a healing work that God is doing in my heart. It hurts so much in the midst of it all, as the Lord is walking you through the healing process, but I have been here before many times. He will carry me when I am weak. He will continually speak words of encouragement to my thirsty soul. He will not let me perish in a dry and weary land. He will be my sustenance and my help. The healing will come, and I will be whole once more.

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.

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