Monday, July 19, 2010

When God says No.

It's so easy to accept God's will when it is a positive answer. So many times, I realize that I want God's will in my life, but only in a limited sense. I desire God's blessings, but I don't want to receive God's discipline.

When I pray that God will answer my prayers, I desire an answer in the affirmative. It's so easy to be grateful for the answers to our prayers when they are what we desire.

Yet, what do we do when we ask for something and God answers with a resounding "No"? It seems to echo within the soul of a believer, and the sound that is reflected can speak volumes about our character and spiritual health.

How will we react when God's answer directly opposes our will or desire? Will we let it cause us to distance ourselves from God and become angry? Or will we accept that God is our Father, and has the best plan for our lives?

I am simply asking the questions. 

I do not have all of the answers. I am truly searching for the right question to ask right now.

God has spoken a "No" in my life, and I am facing this question right now. It's not a fun or happy place to be by any means, yet I have seen how God's answer, even when it directly opposed my will, is always the best.

It might not be easy to follow, it is usually the steeper path that is harder to climb, yet God's will is best. So many times I have been protected from danger or heartache by listening to & obeying God's leading. I know that He will continue to lead me in this season, and His grace is sufficient for me.

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