Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dance Internship Recap: June 15th-18th, 2010

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

On Tuesday I started working (or continued working) on a brochure I had put together for all of the workshops/conferences that Ronya does. It needed some additional tweaking, so we were basically talking back & forth  via phone or e-mail all day. We finally got the brochure to the point that it needed to be, and it turned out beautifully! So I had quite a feeling of accomplishment in the end.

I went to B&N (my office lol) to work on it (& a ministry engagement contract). I loved the 2 story B&N- it had a Starbucks, which was sectioned off to almost a separate building within the bookstore. By the afternoon, I had come to a stopping point. So I went to Target to pick up a few ended up taking 2 hours because they lost my pictures that I had developed and I had to wait...I didn't want to leave and come back.

When I finally left Target, I headed back to B&N to finish up work on the brochure. At about 5, I headed back to the Chen's house. We had rehearsal for the performance Wednesday at the Upper Room. After that, I was glad to head to bed! It was a long one.

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

Planned to head to the printer to have the brochures made up. We had to make sure the formatting was correct, so I had to go there in person. I met Mrs. Pauline at the printer at about 12:30pm. Before she arrived, I grabbed some pizza at Vito's- it was an interesting flavor. Still not sure how much I liked it lol. It took close to two hours to finally get the brochure to where it needed to be. The printer really needed a larger staff I think. Anyways, when we were done I had my car checked at the mechanic (tire alignment/pressure) and checked my fluid levels. It looked ok, but my car definitely needs some work when I get home, so I'll be out in the garage helping my dad replace a few things soon! lol...

I met Mrs. Pauline at the mall after a bit (she went to buy some Jamaican food :). We finished up a few things, then I headed to the Chen's house for the concert! It went really well! All of the kids put in stellar performances. I was 10th in the line-up, so definitely enough time to get nervous! It felt like it went well, but my song was a little I'm still gonna tweak it a lot I hope. Afterwards, we had cake & awesome chinese food to celebrate Fanny's 14th birthday. It was fun! We also talked about setting up some volleyball playing time for the next day, but we decided to kind of play it by ear. Bed time ended up being a little bit late with all of the excitement.

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

June 17th was a great day. I woke up & prepared for the day. I decided to stretch & do a "class" upstairs in the Upper Room. I invited Fanny to join me if she wanted to, so she came & we did stretches, exercises, and I taught her part of some choreography to "Carried to the Table" by Leeland. Fun stuff! We showed Mr. Jeremiah & Evie what we had learned together, and it was pretty awesome. Fanny picked up the choreography pretty quickly! I worked on some administrative things for about an hour after that, then we headed to the park where we tossed a volleyball around for a bit and I took my lunch break.

It was refreshing to be outside in the cool breeze for a change. How I love the cool climate of that town! Ah so wonderful. Afterwards, I finished up all of the work I had left - folding the brochures we had printed the day before by hand. Fanny, Evie, and James (their cousin) helped me. It was actually pretty fun, because we had to figure out a strategic way to fold them the correct way without messing them up. These brochures were full color, on glossy paper, so they can be pretty pricey to print. They turned out well and I was quite pleased with our "brochure folding party."

Later in the afternoon, I left to the dance studio where Ronya was holding her auditions for the company she is working with. I was able to learn some of the choreography, as well as run the music for the different groups when they performed the sections of choreography they had been taught. It was wonderful to be a part of the audition process; I felt like I learned a lot about running a company, as well as holding an audition. Basically, the goal is to help everyone feel comfortable without promising anything to's a fine balance, but I felt like this audition met my expectations of what an audition should be. I arrived home rather late, but my host family was still awake (the girls finished school the day before). We all hung out (I gave them each a little note, and it was really special). The girls had fun on photobooth with my mac...they were falling on the floor laughing over all of the different effects. It was definitely fun to watch. I finally headed downstairs and continued working on packing and laundry for my transition to part II of my internship in a different state.

Friday, June 18th, 2010

I ended up leaving later than I had anticipated, but I left before 11am & managed to avoid the worst of the Friday lunch traffic. That is always something that should be avoided if possible...crazy traffic! Not fun. I stopped by my Grandma's work, and she gave me some little Caesar's pizza. We had a nice time visiting and took some nice photos together. I can't wait to see all of my family on my dad's side at our family reunion! It's going to be a great time.

I headed on from my Grandma's town (the half way point of my trip), and arrived at my host family's house by about 4pm. It was wonderful timing, since I was able to get situated before my meeting that night. I was scheduled to have dinner with Ronya, but it got pushed back to dessert due to a staff meeting she had to attend. But by the time we met up, we needed to run errands and that ended up taking way longer than we though it would! So it was quite a time trying to find a Target to buy a few things that were essential (toiletries, pillows, etc).

We had a fun time, but were both pretty tuckered out by the time I dropped her off where she is staying. I arrived back at my host family's house kind of late, but they were still up for the most part. We visited for awhile, then watched Alice in Wonderland (I thought I wouldn't like it, but I loved it!). We headed to bed pretty much directly after the movie. All in all, Friday was a busy but great day.

Signing off,


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