Thursday, September 24, 2009


Some thoughts on stepping into a new season, & closing the door on an earlier chapter.

So, honestly, I always figured, in my head at least, that transitions would always be smooth & clean. Especially if it's clearly something that God is leading you to do...

But, that's not always true. Transitions can & will be messy sometimes.

The fact of the matter is, the truth that we must hold onto: God is faithful. He never fails. He is our strength.

More than anything, what I have learned from this 'messy' transition that I've been walking through is to hold everything with an open hand.

If you hold on too tightly, it makes it that much more painful to let go. But if we allow God to have HIS way, if we will surrender our plans to His will, then it will be so much less painful.

It seems that grasping at things is so easy to do. When we see a great opportunity fading into the background, then we think there is some sort of problem, and we have to 'fix it' by our human efforts.

But many times, in my experience, it has been God's prompting to move on. I've questioned His will, and just overcomplicated everything...God's will is something that we seek & ask for with all of our hearts...Then, when we finally see His will coming to pass, it doesn't fit the mold we had made for how God would go about accomplishing His will. So we flip out, thinking it isn't God after all because it isn't at all 'how God would actually accomplish his plan.'

What a web of lies.

The enemy deceives us by confusion.

God purifies us with perfect clarity of heart and mind.

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